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Sort data in Microsoft Excel by using the auto filter


Easily sort data in Microsoft Excel by using the auto filter

Organize cells quickly by using Microsoft Auto filter. Columns that contains long listing of data can be sorted by using the Auto filter option. To use this option follow the steps below.

  1. Select the top rows of the columns you want to be used.
  2. Click Data
  3. Click Filter and select Auto Filter.

Once successfully completed you can use drop down arrows to filter the data automatically. In the example below table following the above steps you'd highlight the top row from "Name" to "Position". After created you'll have down arrows next to each of the table headings. If for example you were to click the down arrow next to Position you could sort the table to only show programmer positions.

Name Sex Age Position
John M 34 Programmer
Jane F 23 Customer Service
Bob M 56 Programmer

Additional information

  • See our sort definitions for further information and related links on these terms.
Key Words
user ID

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 openSource, created by Jerry Clark